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November Newsletter 2024

Maxine Exley • November 13, 2024


I cannot believe that this is our last newsletter for 2024, where has the time gone. As the weather has now changed, please ensure you provide a puddle suit and wellies all named for your child.

The next few months will be busy with lots of events happening which we are very excited about.


Monday 4th November  -  We will be celebrating Divali on Monday 4th November. Please dress your child in bright colours and we will be planning different activities for the children.

Monday 11th November - We will be holding a minute silence and the children will make poppies for the soldiers and animals. A soldier will come into the nursery to talk about what Remembrance day is.

Tuesday 12th November - Week commencing 11th November it is World Nursery Rhyme week. Our theme in November is Nursery Rhymes and stories so please dress your child up as a character from a rhyme or story.

Wednesday 13th November - Nikki our photographer will be here for our Christmas shoot. If your child does not attend on a Wednesday please bring them in at 10.00am. If you would like us to change your child into a different outfit please bring it along on the day.

Friday 15th November - We will be fund raising for children in need. Please dress your child in their pjs, please donate £1 and we will also be holding a cake sale too.

Parents Consultations

Week commencing Monday 18th November will be parent’s consultation week. This is an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s key person and discuss their progress. We will be doing it one day per room, if you are unable to attend this particular day, please email Karen or Abby and we can arrange a time and day that suits.

The consultations are between 9.30am-3.30pm and will last for 10 minutes. We can do these face to face or via telephone.

Monday 18th November - Movers and Cruisers

Tuesday 19th November - Lower 2’s

Wednesday 20th November - Upper 2’s

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd November - Rising 4’s

Wednesday 27th November - In line with our theme this month, we would like to invite parents, grandparents, or a family member to come and read stories with the children. Unfortunately, we can only offer this to Wednesday children only. From 2.30pm-3.30pm. Please email if you would like to attend.

Can you believe it will be Christmas soon!!! -  We are supporting our local Methodist church and we will be taking part in their Christmas tree festival on the 7th December. The children will be making decorations to put on one of their trees, in the church.

Thursday 12th December - Children in Rising 4’s will be attending Christingle at the Methodist church.

Monday 16th December- date to be confirmed - Nativity play, all children are welcome. We put on a nativity play which all the children in the nursery are a part of. This will take place at the Methodist church hall at 2.30pm, two tickets per child. Cast list to be confirmed. Please email if you would like tickets or you will not be attending.

Wednesday 18th December - Christmas party, all children are welcome. It is £5 cash for a present from Santa. Please could all money for the party be in by Monday 2nd December.

Friday 20th December - Christmas Dinner will be served, with crackers for Friday children only.

Rising 4’s we will be going to Lawson house retirement home to sing Christmas carols to the residents. The date to be confirmed.

Our last day will be Tuesday 24th December, we close at 12.00pm this day. Please let us know via email if you do need our services this day.

We will reopen on Thursday 2nd January at 7.00am.

Thank you again for your continued support for 2024. We wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas!!!

Many thanks for your continued support.

The Management Team

By Maxine Exley September 30, 2024
September/ October
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