Welcome to all new parents who have recently started with us, we are in undated with the amount of new enquires at present.
It is always a joy to see our new children settling in so well as they are now and the staff are creating lovely bonds with them.
Please ensure that once the weather changes you provide your child with NAMED Wellies and an all-in-one water proof we can recommend a type is you require us too.
September is an ideal time for us to make any necessary changes to the nursery and the rooms as required. For a number of years now we have intended to change the name of our Rising 5’s. As we do not cater for 5 year old children we have decided that it is more appropriate to call our rising 5's room rising 4’s. The children’s ages can range from late 2 year olds year olds to 4 years depending on abilities and availability.
Rising 4's will become Rising 3's.
If any of the changes affect your child we will contact you individually.
Wednesday 25th September - In September our theme for the month is Animals- please dress your child as an animal.
Friday 27th September - We will be holding our annual MacMillian coffee morning, Parents for Friday children only are welcome to come in for tea, coffee and cake. We do ask for a donation to the charity that is dear to our hearts.
Please let me know if you would like to join us from 10.00am-11.00am.
Monday 7th October - To celebrate Grandparents Day we will be asking grandparents to come in for a stay and play session with their grandchild. This will be from 2.30pm-3.30pm. Please let me know if there are any grandparents who would like to attend. Monday children only.
Thursday 31st October (Please dress your child in non-scary Halloween costumes)
As always we like to thank you all so much for your continued support to the nursery.
Please could I ask that all children are provided with a named water bottle/beaker, this will allow staff to know exactly how much drink your child has drunk. Please could they all be in by Monday 23rd September
Many thanks for your continued support.
The Management Team
Dawn to Dusk Day Nursery Ltd,
730-732 London Road
Larkfield, Maidstone
Kent ME20 6BQ
Tel: 01732 848480
Email: dtdnursery@outlook.com
URN: EY321463